Join Chef Ivo Rossi for a making- (and eating-) tiramisu' class! He will demonstrate how to make the traditional tiramisu', including Savoiardi cookies, as well as a personalized version that is faster and more reasonably priced to prepare.
Please bring wine or pupu to share so we do not just have tiramisu' for dinner :-).
Registered attendees will receive an email with the address.
No refunds, except if FOISOH cannot deliver this program.
Members: Please pay non-member fees for your guests who are not members.
Non-members: Since we accept only a limited number of non-Members to our events (at an elevated admittance price), please consider joining our organization to receive discounts on all programs and invites to member-only events: http://www.friendsofitalyhawaii.org/become-a-member
For questions, please email info@friendsofitalyhawaii.org.
Grazie mille!